Hard Knocks

Hard Knocks

Making wood work for you,
bass just love woody structure.

Story and photography
by Matt Williams

Next month, June 2, marks the 82nd anniversary of a legendary cast that produced what many consider to be the most legendary fish in freshwater fishing records kept by the International Game Fish Association: The Perry Bass.

Weighing 22 pounds, 4 ounces, the fat fish from Telfair County, Georgia (Montgomery Lake) was caught way back in 1932 by a local farmer named George Perry. For more than 77 years, Perry’s fish stood alone as the heaviest largemouth bass ever documented anywhere in the entire world. In the meantime, the story has been told and retold countless times by big bass chasers all over the planet, the majority of which would probably be tickled to catch a fish only half as big.

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